Answer: If everyone’s lawn is green in the spring and your lawn is still brown, it is possible you have new Kentucky Blue Grass sodding. Older established lawns will have been overseeded a number of times with a seed mix that would have contained Shade Grass Seed (Fescue). They also call it Echo Grass Seed. Kentucky Bluegrass needs warm temperatures to perk up and look nice and green. So if you have a prolonged colder spring, the newly sodded lawns will still be dormant.
So simply start overseeding with Fescue lawn seed every fall. You will eventually get a better lawn mixture for our temperatures and your lawn will look as green as everyone’s else in April and May. As well fescue lawns do not need as much water as Kentucky BlueGrass. Unfortunately the only lawn sodding sold by most Sod suppliers and contractors is Kentucky Bluegrass.